Sunday, August 16, 2009

Google Preview (GP) | Solution for Relevant Search with Thumbnail

Considering you are using Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, AltVista, and Bing etc daily, as search engines are de facto today. If you are searching any topic or any website, sometimes search engine indexes some irrelevant sites (or made for SEO). This wastes your valuable time and internet bandwidth.
The solution is Google Preview (GP). Google Preview (GP) is available as an add on for Firefox and Internet Explorer both. After the installation whenever you perform a search in any search engine (Google search, Yahoo Search etc.) Google Preview will show the preview of the web-pages adjacent to the link. It also shows the page rank under the link of the search results. With GP you can prevent to visit the unrelevent, fake and phishing site. The rank of the site search is very useful to visit only to the popular and reputed sites.
Firefox users download Google Preview from here
And Internet Explorer download it from here.

Also Google launched a new service called Google Voice.
Visit Google's official blog
Shekhar Sahu
White Hat Android

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Google Caffeine Sandbox | The Next Generation Search Engine

Google Caffeine Sandbox
I am happy to tell you that Google's had been working in a secrete project called "The Next Generation Search Engine" for several months. The project is almost completed. Google has opened the search engine for users yesterday. You can now visit and say that you are the first person to use the next generation search engine.

There is no change in the UI, but is faster in indexing and crawling. Caffiene will reduce spaming and will give the best results.

If you want to compare google caffiene sandbox with google old search engine, try this tool compare here

Don't forget to tell what do you feel about it. Google is waiting for your valuable feedback to polish the new search engine. Try searching Wikipedia too.

Google also has changed it's logo into "Perseid Meteor Shower" on Aug 10. Perseid Meteor Shower occurs every year on august. see more

image by Google
Shekhar Sahu
White Hat Android

Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy Independence Day | मेरा भारत महान


आओ झुक के सलाम करें उनको जिनके हिस्से में ये मुकाम आता है,
खुशनसिब होता है वो खुन जो देश के काम आता है।

आजादी की कभी शाम नहीं होने देंगे,
बची हो जो एक बूंद भी गरम लहू की
तब तक भारत माता का आँचल नीलाम नहीं होने देंगे.

जहां लुटा देंगे, वतन पे हो जाएंगे कुर्बान्।
इसलिए हम कहते हैं, मेरा देश महान्।

Proud to be Indian

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Google - Arunachal Pradesh In China A Mistake| Google Earth

Arunachal Pradesh in China, you won’t believe. But, Arunachal pradesh was shown as a part of China in Google Earth. Finally Google admitted that there was an error in Google earth. However Google also claimed that this may be the work of Chinese |-|ackers (Beware of). Not only this China also says that Arunchal is a part of China.If Pak |-|ackers will also know about it and occupy Kashmir, then who will be responsible for it? Google has recovered Google Earth now. For more information click here

Google Chrome | Feel it in your own browser

Google Chrome is said to be the fastest browser. It is available for free. But, very less number of people uses Google Chrome. Internet Explorer is the most popular browser in the wold. Because, it comes bundled with Windows. Windows 7 will not provide IE in Europe. 50% people use IE.

After this Mozilla Firefox and Opera are used. Opera Mini is the apple of mobile net users’ eyes.

If I ask you to change your browser and switch to Google Chrome form your favorite. Then you will not be ready to do it. Because you have your password, bookmark and favorite site links in your browser.

Then Google toolbar will be a great idea. Download fully customizable Google toolbar for Firefox & Internet Explorer both.

After the installation it places a toolbar under the address bar of your browser. The toolbar has so many useful buttons. The page rank icon shows the rank of the page over the internet. The Bookmark button lets you choose your bookmarks and saves to your Google account. This has an advantage that you can retrieve your bookmarks any time, anywhere. No need to type the URLs weather you are at home or at office anymore. It also lists recent closed pages.

Whenever you open a new tab in your browser. Instead of opening a blank page it opens Google Chrome type page. Which shows the tile view of the most visited web-pages same as Google crome.

After your work is over, log out form Google account.

Download Google toolbar now from


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Greeting for Friends

Happy Friendship Day
                     I designed a greeting for you 2 months ago and waited long for this day. You can download this Greeting from here and send it to as many friends as you can.
                      Also you’d be happy know that if you want to send this greeting to your friend. You can write your friend’s name on the message. To do this you’ve to send me your name and your friend’s name to shekharsahucgin @ with subject ‘change name’. Wait for 2 days to receive your copy of customized greeting from email.

Shekhar Sahu
